Aggressive Donkey forces Kansas police to back down in ‘tactical retreat’

July 9, 2023 by No Comments

For transparency reasons, the Greenwood County Sheriff’s Office records a daily log of their daily calls. This is freely available and most of the calls are pretty mundane. In fact, if you look then you will see that many of these calls involve cows blocking the roads and similar, trivial matters.

However, there is one call that happened recently that trumps all others. And this involves a rogue donkey. As seen below, the call report reads, “Request for a welfare check at an address in the county where an extremely aggressive donkey was encountered by law enforcement. A tactical retreat was utilized and law enforcement personnel were able to exfiltrate from the property.”

Now, you may think that this was a joke or something, but it’s actually completely real – and Kansans also found the funny side of it too. According to one person, this is only the tip of the iceberg though, as they responded, “I know someone who does law enforcement in Kansas and that sort of thing is typical. He also has much better stories than that haha.”

On a serious note, it does make you wonder exactly what went on and why a tactical retreat needed to take place against a mere donkey. It also shows just how many random events can occur during the everyday work that is involved with being in law enforcement.