Aggressive Sign THREATENS Dog Poop culprits – “We WILL find you”

May 31, 2023 by 3 Comments

Recently, you could argue that tensions have been riding high when it comes to uncollected dog poop in Portland. As a result, anonymous individuals have been leaving signs berating those who leave the poop of their dogs. In fairness, this is a disgusting thing to do and is also illegal. Nonetheless, it still goes on and is sadly a pretty common occurrence throughout the city.

However, this sign probably takes the prize for the most aggressive display against dog poop and did not mince its words. Here, it reads “To the person ignoring this sign, we WILL find you!” – This was displayed next to a generic “Please clean up after your dog” that was sadly located to a bunch of visible dog excrement.

Apparently, the sign was spotted in the King/Alberta part of the city and although it’s pretty blunt, it does give off the perfect message. Interestingly though, if you look closely at the font, this could have been written by the same person as the original sign in the article linked above as it does look suspiciously similar.

Obviously though, the Liam Neeson-esque threat of ‘finding’ the perpetrator seems incredibly thin and unlikely, but if the threat works then maybe it’s worth it. On a similar note, there’s also the possibility that this isn’t even dog poop and it could even be done by a human such as the infamous Multnomah East-County dumper. Stay tuned for more future updates as the Portland battle between rogue dog owners and angry locals looks set to rage on.


3 Replies to “Aggressive Sign THREATENS Dog Poop culprits – “We WILL find you””

  1. Monica says:

    It’s so wrong that people don’t pick up after their dogs. It’s even worse when their dogs poop on cement! I’m always picking up other dogs poop when I’m on a walk… I just know that a child could come along and step or pick it up and that disgusts me. I know it’s not my job but it takes all of 10 seconds to do it and it keeps homeowners at bay.

    1. Debbie says:

      I agree with you. I do the same thing if I see dog poop left on cement or even grass. It’s disgusting but it only takes 5 minutes of your time. If your a dog owner/walker you should already be carrying the poop pick up bags.

  2. KGEL says:

    Too bad people don’t get so worked up about humans pooping in & around public areas.