Amherst Central Park Master Plan Revealed – And delights Buffalo locals

July 12, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, an Amherst Central Park Master Plan was revealed which shows ambitious ideas for the Buffalo park. This would see a big change compared to the current golf course which has been stagnantly sitting in the location for several years.

In fact, even the most miserable Buffalo resident would probably be in favor of this as it would definitely bring more life into the area. Features of the new park would include a music theater, winter market, ice rink, playground, amphitheater, lake, outdoor gym, gardens, greenhouse, art sites and a new bus stop. Seriously, what’s not to love?

As is often the case in Buffalo though – there is one concern surrounding this project – and that is the dreaded NIMBYs who are infamous for trying to stop stuff like this from happening. Speaking online, one person wrote: “A bunch are still complaining. I’m convinced some people are just hard wired to complain no matter what.” While another person claimed to have a council contact nearby who also confirmed that some people weren’t happy. This is Buffalo after all.

Of course, the vast majority of people support the park’s regeneration and it would certainly help create a more vibrant place. Having said this, it won’t be cheap and due to the scale of the project, it probably won’t take place for a number of years. That’s if the NIMBYs don’t ruin it first. Understandably though, the people are quietly optimistic about this one. Watch this space.