Anchorage teen harassed by armed homeless man in bizarre fishing attack

July 3, 2023 by 7 Comments

The weekend saw a homeless man arrest for assault on a young fisherman after he attacked the victim with a large tree branch. This took place on the Anchorage Coastal Trail which has a small homeless community.

According to the video, the fisherman was merely fishing and minding his own business, before the attacker appeared and started swinging the homemade wooden bat at the teen. The fisherman happened to film the aggressor with his phone, who paced up and down ranting “That’s it, that’s it” before charging.

Thankfully, the victim was ok but did go on to press charges. Luckily, this could have been a whole lot worse as well and highlights the growing divide in Anchorage between regular citizens and the homeless population.

The video was uploaded to Youtube by a man named ‘Nu’ who is an Anchorage resident. Here, he was sent this video by the victim and narrated the story of what went down. If you want to see the footage (and not the narration), then skip to the 6.50 mark.

On a separate note, it’s also wise to have your wits about you anywhere, as you never know what is going to happen. Sadly, when visiting natural parts of Alaska, your worst worry used to be a bear – now it seems you’re much more likely to get attacked by a homeless man with a giant branch.

7 Replies to “Anchorage teen harassed by armed homeless man in bizarre fishing attack”

  1. Willie says:

    It looks just like the guy that slashed my car tires on Capricorn

  2. AlaskaRex says:

    Bear Spray at all times. Never leave home without it.

    Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it…..

  3. Tim says:

    He’s lucky he didn’t get shot.

  4. Jesus Christ says:

    Why was the teens following the “street person”? What did they do to the man? It’s hard to believe this guy no matter how street just decided to pick up a stick and attempt to chase them away unprovoked.

  5. Johanna says:

    This is kinna stuff that happens when mayor just throws all the homeless out into the WHOLE community instead of the one big shelter they would stay mostly in one place . So close that throw everyone all over the community there’s a lot of good homeless people but there’s a lot of very bad ones and now scattered everywhere. So nowhere is safe now . Good mayor

  6. Cheryl Nollan says:

    Is that what we are supposed to do now? Fight them off like bears, with pepper spray and bullets. Come on assembly! This isn’t feeling like the Mayor’s fault anymore! Do you think tourist are going to go home and say how beautiful Anchorage is? This year its the ugliest I have ever seen it.

  7. N Smith says:

    it is utterly ridiculous that citizens cannot utilize the coastal trail, bike trails, lakes and parks due to the homeless/mental health/ drug crisis in this town. When will the assembly and mayor come together and solve this issue? Tell us, where is safe any more for me to take my kids to go on a hike or walk or bike ride? I love the midtown park but it’s been taken over by the homeless so I never go there any more. it seems dirty and unsafe now. What is the assembly doing? They seem to be purposefully trying to make it uncomfortable for tax paying citizens to live here. I have never seen the homeless situation so bad. Get it together assembly and mayor or resign and let people in to do the job you don’t seem capable of doing. VOTERS. Stop voting merely by party lines and vote for Alaskans who love alaska so that we can get our quality of life back. Quality of life has really dropped off in the last 5 years. I find it so sad to drive around my anchorage and see all the garbage and homeless camps and drunks sleeping it off on the side of the road. I have compassion but that is not enough to solve this issue. We need people who truly want to solve this problem and make it livable for all of us.