Angry Sign Berating Dog Walkers Found In Portland Park

May 5, 2023 by 3 Comments

Found in Powell Park, Portland, this sign had been placed at the base of a tree. Not aimed at everyone, it was quite clear that the person who wrote this was very angry.

The sign has quite a reasonable message behind it, but certainly has a passive aggressive tone that is likely unwarranted. Of course, there are some dog walkers who take advantage of rules and laws, but for the most park, people clean up properly after their dogs and leave our parks in a good state. Besides, everyone knows that there are much bigger problems facing the city than dog waste bags.

Many residents have been confused by the “Drop & Run” line on the sign, which doesn’t seem to make much sense. There is no doubt that this has happened, but not many people scoop waste in to a bag and then drop it on the floor afterwards.

What seemed to annoy people the most though, is putting the bags in local neighbourhood trash bins (especially household bins), since if the garbage has been collected within the past few days, then this is obviously going to impact the smell of the bin and the homeowner will not be too happy. This is especially true for those who are required to keep their bins in a garage by the local HOA.

In Portland, Oregon, it is required by law that all dog owners clean up after their dogs and properly dispose of their dog’s waste. This law applies to all public spaces in the city, including parks.

For a first-time offense, the fine is typically around $150. However, if the offense is repeated or if the dog owner is found to be repeatedly violating the law, the fine can be increased up to $500.

It’s important to note that fines are not the only penalty that dog owners may face for failing to clean up after their pets. They may also be required to do community service or attend dog ownership classes. Additionally, if the dog causes damage to park property, the owner may be responsible for paying for the cost of repairs.

Additionally, Portland’s Park Rules and Regulations specify that dogs must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet in length in all city parks, except in designated off-leash areas. This is to ensure the safety of all park users, including other dogs, wildlife, and people.

Violating these laws can result in fines and penalties, which can vary depending on the severity of the offense. It’s important for dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their pets to keep Portland’s parks clean and enjoyable for everyone.

3 Replies to “Angry Sign Berating Dog Walkers Found In Portland Park”

  1. Chris Johnson says:

    I fail to see what is passive aggressive about this sign. The sign is completely reasonable.

    1. Robert Browning says:

      Agree 100%. In my park unleashed dogs is the bigger problem. Despite posted signage, dog owners do as they please releasing their dogs to freely roam. They care less what impact this has to park patrons or homes that border the park, especially those homes with dogs.