Apartment management company called out by fuming tenant for one GROSS reason

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

A Sacramento apartment management company has been put on blast by one disgruntled tenant for a truly gross reason. According to this person – their apartment had literal human waste on the floor outside the entrance. They accompanied this complaint with an image that showed an open pipe which seemed to be the cause of the issue.

Further still, the tenant in question wrote online, “There is literal human feces outside of my apartment and they aren’t doing a damn thing. The city health department has been called. I can’t leave my apartment, I don’t know what to do.” – So, who was the management company?

Allegedly, the management company was MYND Management, which runs a number of properties around Sacramento. It turns out, a lot of locals have had run-ins with the same company who were further called out on social media.

Speaking on similar issues, one person wrote, “Yeah, I viewed one of the apartments they manage and it was covered with dead cockroaches. They also have a reputation for being sketchy with security deposits.”

Even worse, another claimed, “They tried to charge me $9500 for my security deposit. As in, they kept the entire $4600 security deposit and then billed me for $4900 more.”

As seen, people are not happy and we can only imagine how disgusting it is to live amongst human feces. Hopefully this gets sorted and MYND can help out their tenants because if true, this isn’t acceptable and is gross.

On the other hand, as the waste pipe seems to be outside the building and emerge from underground, it is a possibility that the management company is not responsible at all for the upkeep of this area.