Are these the worst apartments in Denver? Locals BLAST this one location

July 1, 2023 by 2 Comments

Built in 2021, this location has gone on to be one of the biggest apartment blocks in Denver. With over 800 bedrooms, it has also earned a small fortune. However, not everyone is happy – and it seems that the reviews prove that this isn’t an isolated incident either. Instead, everyone is saying the same things.

Specifically, we’re talking about the building known as X Denver which may look trendy on the outside but is getting spoken about for all the wrong reasons. As seen in the image below, one tenant’s room got flooded which apparently took weeks to fix. This is hardly acceptable, considering that someone would have to live in this situation during the reservations.

One review from someone named Dana read, “No hot water, no heat, 48+ hours without communication. When written communication did go out, it did not give a timeline of a possible fix or help. No offering of space heaters or ways to get hot water. It has been sub-zero and apartments are reaching below 50 degrees overnight.”

Sadly, there are plenty of similar stories – and the overall management of the building (or lack of) seems to be a trend that equates to poor customer service whenever anything goes wrong. And, if you know properties then you’ll be away that problems are never too far away.

An insider who claimed to help build X Denver recently wrote this on social media: “I used to work on this building’s Life Safety System when I lived in Colorado. It is absolute garbage. The building is huge and built in two phases. So many corners cut. The owner of the building trying to lease units before the Fire Department granted occupancy, just complete garbage. It looks cool, but stay away.”

So, this one looks like it’s best to steer clear based on the reviews and reputation that it’s earned. If you have any stories regarding X Denver then we’d love to hear from you.

2 Replies to “Are these the worst apartments in Denver? Locals BLAST this one location”

  1. John F. says:

    I lived in the building for 7 months heat hardly worked and hot water was marginal at best. Also a hugh rat problem and I mean nasty big rats. I also knew 2 other resident that said they had bed bugs which is just so nasty. Gross disgusting and awful. Stay away from this place.

  2. AJ deOliveira says:

    I was one of the first people to move into X Denver in July of 2021. Off the bat, I was given a different apartment than the one I toured. The electricity in the apartment was wired backwards, you had to turn off one switch in order for another to work. The dishwasher flooded the first time using it. I also asked to have the furniture that came with the fully furnished apartment removed. It was like sitting on a cheap box. But worst of all, I got stuck in both elevators, multiple times for extended periods of times. Management was none existent and it was always a battle between myself and the associates to even speak with the manager on site. I moved out within 2 weeks of moving into the building. I took videos of these events, including being trapped in the elevator and would be glad to provide them.