Artifact Cider Shockingly Closes Cambridge Location – “Thanks for the Memories”

June 30, 2023 by No Comments

One of Cambridge’s most chic bars suddenly closed yesterday in a turn that can best be described as unexpected. This was found out when a sign was put on the front door. This sign read, “Artifact Cider Project is now closed. Thanks for the memories.” Aside from this, nothing else was mentioned – so we can only assume that they weren’t making enough money to justify staying open.

Over the years, this venue proved itself to be fairly popular amongst locals and as the name suggested, it had a large variety of ciders and other alcoholic beverages on offer. It is believed that their other locations have continued to do business, and it is just the Cambridge location that has closed for now.

It’s not all bad news though, as Artifact Cider products can also be purchased in certain stores. So, if you have a penchant for their in-house products then you won’t be at a complete loss either.

The closure came out of the blue for residents, as one wrote, “That’s weird. I follow them on social media and I could’ve missed it but I didn’t see them announce a thing. I love their cider.” While another said “Quality seems to have gone down over time. Wolf at the Door used to be amazing but now it’s pretty mid.”

Irrespective of why they closed or the way in which it was done, it’s always sad to see a local business fail. Hopefully, something will open in the space soon and help breathe a bit of life back into Cambridge’s retail space.