ASTONISHING moment Austin car seen driving with wooden beams – “Surely that can’t be allowed”

July 5, 2023 by No Comments

A car was recently photographed heading east towards Del Valle in Austin which combined the bizarre with the downright dangerous. Here, the driver had attached four large planks of wood to the roof of their car, which literally poked out into both the left and right lanes. In other words, trying to overtake this vehicle safely would have proved a challenge due to the position of the wooden beams.

Now, although you may find this sight borderline comical – there is a serious lack of safety (and selfishness) from the car in question. Over the years, there have been reports of cyclists dying from incidents of wood and similar materials hitting them when falling from cars. And as the wood on this car looks fairly precarious, you can see why people criticized the driver.

Others saw the funny side though, with many comparing it to a DIY helicopter. In fairness, the large wooden beams do make it appear as though it has helicopter wings. Writing on social media, one person wrote, “Why am envisioning them going too fast and those suckers start spinning – dude flies off the road.” with another adding: “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 MPH, you’re going to see some serious stuff.”

Some even speculated that the wood was originally pointed vertically and that they had become horizontal due to unsafe placement. This theory actually makes sense and shows just how reckless the driver was.