‘AWFUL driving’ as SUV creates havoc in Fort Worth Car Crash

July 3, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday, a dashcam captured some of the worst driving in the whole of Texas. This showed a black SUV colliding with two other cars and causing a large collision, before driving away. The sad irony of this incident was that the dangerous driver came out the most unscathed, while the most innocent driver had the most damage to their car. Furthermore, this could have proved to be fatal under different circumstances, so it showed just how important concentration is when driving.

And, it’s concentration that the black SUV seemed to be lacking. Here, they veered into another lane to initiate the first contact, before creating a pinball effect which ultimately led to carnage. In fairness to the perpetrator, the footage did show that they eventually pulled over – so even though their driving was poor, at least they did the right thing. The incident took place on 820N in Fort Worth.

On social media, users speculated why the bad driver originally hit the other car – with many believing they were either asleep at the wheel, or texting while driving. Overall, it didn’t look like a case of road rage and it probably wasn’t intentional, but irrespective – this shows just how important lane discipline is and to always keep your eyes on the road.

Based on the above footage, it’s also a given that the SUV will end up forking out for the financial damages and their insurance will not be happy. At the same time, you can’t expect much else when looking at the context of their reckless driving.

One Reply to “‘AWFUL driving’ as SUV creates havoc in Fort Worth Car Crash”

  1. AMP says:

    What a pos! Probably under some kind of influence. I don’t understand why the innocent always get the worst of everything in all situations. Makes no sense.