Baltimore flyer BLASTS restaurant for firing workers due to dodging tips

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

A flyer was recently photographed around Baltimore that called out a local restaurant. According to the poster, it said “Do NOT go here. Owners didn’t pay staff their tips, then FIRED them all when they voiced their concerns. Please do NOT give your money to these people.” This comes after the US has had a number of restaurants getting into trouble regarding staff tips lately.

The restaurant in question was Llama’s Corner on 132 McMechen St which primarily sells coffee. Now, it should be stated at this point, that it’s Llama’s word against the flyer – and it could just be a person with a grudge. Nonetheless, it’s not a great look however you view it.

As mentioned, these claims are currently baseless – but this didn’t stop people from moaning and giving their opinions as customers. Here, one person wrote, “I went there once, paid more than 8 dollars for a boba drink that took more than 20 minutes to make. Never went there again.” This prompted another person to say: “Been there a few times, feels like there has been a lot of staff turnover – also, I’m hesitant to trust one flier on a light post. Did anyone get more details?”

According to one person however, the same coffee spot also blocked ex-staff from their Instagram page and deleted online reviews. If this is true, then this behavior is illegal, so it’s quite a claim to make. However, ex-staff have not yet come forward so the jury is still out on this one.