Bay Area Restaurant Named & Shamed for ‘Greedy Double Tip’ attempt

June 21, 2023 by 38 Comments

One sharp diner recently named and shamed a Bay Area restaurant, after they almost paid a double tip on their meal. This took place on Monday evening and the receipts prove just how easy it would have been to pay extra.

In two bills, the total price for the meal came to $251.03. On the first bill, you can see that it came with an automatic tip which was the sum of $35.09. This was marked under ‘gratuity’ and counted as an 18% mandatory tip. Honestly, we don’t know the legality of setting legal tips, but this isn’t the half of it (literally).

Now, on the second bill – it showed the option for yet another tip. This meant that you could easily end up paying more if you glanced at both bills and didn’t read the small print. In the end, the savvy diner decided to decline the option of a second tip – and honestly, we don’t blame him!

This incident took place at Ohgane Bull which is a popular Korean restaurant located in Cupertino, in the Bay Area. Unsurprisingly, locals weren’t happy with this – and one wrote, “Required tips should be included in the price on the menu. At the very least, the percentage being added should be written right next to the price. Otherwise it’s deceptive.” whilst another stated, “I’m glad you show the greedy restaurant name on the receipt, so people can take notice.”

It looks as though the people have spoken – and they are not happy about this. Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with asking for tips and helping out waiting staff. Nonetheless, there’s ways of asking for tips and this is not it.

38 Replies to “Bay Area Restaurant Named & Shamed for ‘Greedy Double Tip’ attempt”

  1. Karen says:

    Shirasoni in Brentwood does the same thing.

    1. Tom says:

      Little River inn in mendocino also does this-20%!! Added without server telling you!!Outrageous!
      And manager said it was to “make sure servers were paid a decent wage.” I replied, then why don’t you pay them one!

      1. Chris says:

        Restaurant owners are never going to allow wages to dig into their pockets. If they pay them “a decent wage” which let’s assume that means averaging their weekly tips into an hourly pay scale, they’re just going to price that into the menu. If a 20% tipping standard is expected for reasonable service, we can expect menu prices to increase 20% if tipping is eliminated. Of course, it’s likely to be 25% to offset taxes since most people in the service industry do not report cash tips on their taxes.

    2. Barbara Thomas says:

      I have to share a positive experience. I was at a pizza place in Petaluma and wrote15.00 in tip line. When I looked at my bank account I notice just mt of bill presented was charged. Tip I wrote in was not included because they had included it in total price. Honesty Thanks

      1. John N says:

        Your clock stamp says 11:01pm when here in Sunnyvale it’s 4:01pm when posted. You say you have to proofread and censor what people say before you will put up a post. I thought the NextDoor app was local not moderated in some foreign country (currently 4:15pm).

    3. Vaughn Hasselhoff says:

      “Sweet Mango” in San Jose did this to me. I caught it the second time around. They charge your card from the original bill with the auto-gratuity written on it, then when they return your card with the slip required for signing, it will ask for tip and they will take the original bill slip so that you won’t know that you had been charged the auto-gratuity if you hadn’t been paying attention. They love this when people fight to pay first and give CC to server or even when splitting checks without spending much time examining the original meal tab. Shame shame.

    4. John N says:

      Yes, some restaurants may do so knowingly to extort more money from customers. However, many likely purchase the register software and don’t have the means to change the payment print-out when they add in an automatic tip for a party of 4-5 or more to exclude any additional tip. The waiter or manager should highlight that with a bright marker or bring that to the customer’s attention. If they forget to do so, the management should deduct 30% from the bill and make a customer tip optional.

    5. John N says:

      Yes, some restaurants may do so knowingly to extort more money from customers. However, many likely purchase the register software and don’t have the means to change the payment print-out when they add in an automatic tip for a party of 4-5 or more to exclude any additional tip. The waiter or manager should highlight that with a bright marker or bring that to the customer’s attention. If they forget to do so, the management should deduct 30% penalty from the bill (the secretly added tip and a little extra for customer good will) and make a customer tip optional.

  2. Jessica Brenson says:

    Had the same thing happen at scipolinis in Oakley.Did not realize until I had given a tip of 10.00 and checked later and was charged 8.50 from the for gratuity.

  3. Macy says:

    Mayflower in Milpitas does this! Automatically charged a tip for one person 4 dim sum dishes and asked for more tips with receipt in bold PRETIP expecting more tips!!! This tipping culture has gotten out of hand and there was no tea refilled, or service I had to flag someone multiple times.

  4. Unknown says:

    This happened to me at Ohgane in Oakland. I noticed after I paid double tip and it was too late.

    1. PoP's says:

      Automatic tip? This is some BS. When a party of 5/6 or more are served I get it because some people just don’t tip or are cheap. If you eat out in the US then you should expect to tip but double tip? Hellz to the know. I also agree ripping has got out of hand. Especially when all you do is hand me my food across the counter.

      1. Threadwest says:

        It’s Hellz to the No! Meaning hell no!

    2. Joette Newquist says:

      This has been happening because there was a past article that Employers were adding this to pay for the Employees Health Care Benefits by passing it on to the consumers!! It’s totally BS! It’s the Employees responsibility to cover that for their employees not the customers or the employees themselves!! Sad situation!! I’d shame them too!!

    3. Alma Boardman says:

      i wish they dont do that…it should be base on how they serve you,now a day so rude server and still expect to get a lot of tip even they dont do a good job and they are getting paid by the hourly the owner should be greatful that costumers will come and support their business its their job to pay the employee not the costumer,tip is a bonus if they do an excellent job…

    4. Colleen Ferrell says:

      It’s not too late – call the restaurant, and if they refuse to correct it, call your cc company and dispute the charge. I would also report it to whomever has oversight in these issues, as it’s an illegal practice. Mandatory (included) tip must be disclosed to you in writing prior to the service.

  5. BCT says:

    Many restaurants charge a tip automatically for parties over eight. I have no problem with that as long as they state it clearly. Studies have shown people are less likely to tip when the party is large. They assume others in the party are leaving it. But their system should not include any space for a tip if it’s been included, and it should be clearly stated at the beginning of the meal.

  6. Mike says:

    This happens at so many restaurants now a days and it’s not acceptable. Why should we pay tips IF we didn’t receive that service. They have started this even at a self serve restaurants now a days. There has to be some legal action against the restaurant.

  7. Sherr says:

    You have to read the bill. I learned the hard way years ago. When this started, automatically adding the tip, I asked about it. The restaurant said we had a large group (or sometimes just a big order). I then asked what if the service was bad and didn’t deserve a tip that big. I was told to deduct the amount they applied and add in my own. I was also asked to make note on the receipt.

    I hope this helps. Also, that looks like the same receipt to me. The one on the right just looks like the one you get after they run your card.

  8. Lisa S. says:

    Mr. Fongs in Daly City. 2 of us dined in and bill arrived with a $15 tip included. I asked “why is the tip included”. Answer – “that’s what we do!” My brother goes by himself the following week, dines in and no tip is included on his bill…….Hmmmmm shady and not returning!

  9. Madie says:

    Had that happened to me in Oghane in Alameda. They should always let the customers know and have to decide if they want to give out more tip

    1. Audrey Okubo says:

      Grand Dynasty of West San Jose does the same. The first time, I doubled tip. The second time and so forth I read and did not double tip.

  10. Mary L. says:

    Sweet Maple the popular brunch restaurant charger 20% “large party” fee for party of five! Since when party of five considered a Large Party?

    1. Prasanna says:

      I think it is well within their reach to do that when the patronage for their product is so huge. I see folks piling up in front of the restaurant to go on their looong wait-list, constantly clogging up the intersection ( on weekends).. There are several other breakfast places in Cupertino. I have been there once and found no magic sauce there, BTW..

  11. Mark Fehlig says:

    Regular occurrence at all restaurants.


  12. Sam Doan says:

    Pho Hanoi is doing the same thing

  13. Scott says:

    Brewsters in Petaluma did the same thing to us a few months back. Added the 20% tip for service that did not qualify for 20%. When I wrote to the restaurant, the manager said he would send me a gift card as an apology but they never did. Now Brewsters adds like 4% to 5% so we pay for their health coverage. I just take the amount off of the total tip.

  14. Joah Ng says:

    Grand Dynasty in Cupertino does this same receipt deal 18% mandatory and additional tip line too

  15. Greedy-tip victim says:

    This happened to my daughter a few years back at Tailgaters in Antioch. There were 8 of us and they never brought to our attention the 20% tip was already included. She read it after the fact. The tip almost $100 alone. Highway robbery! I told her she should go back and complain but she didn’t. Took it as a very expensive lesson learned! Never went back to that place.

  16. Greedy-tip victim says:

    Wanted to make one more comment. Take out orders are now being guilted in to leaving a tip. When you pick up your order, they run your card, they turn the register around for you to apply a tip!!! What service was provided? Isn’t preparing the meal in the price already? I sure hope they don’t start automatically adding a tip to take out too! These type of fees need to be posted so you can decide to patronize or even afford to dine out anymore! My 2 cents!

  17. Steve kim says:

    Many restaurants are attempting to double tip with out informing the customers.

    Just like car dealers adding the $3000 car warranty into the monthly price without asking and then saying they give u a real good deal at finance. The deal is they give to u almost free when its already priced in. What thieves!!

  18. blackstarcat says:

    There are many restaurants that have been doing this. Shame on their greediness. One time I offered to pay for a big family bill, I gave my credit card to my brother who gave it to the server to charge. It was very expensive. I realized it when I checked the receipt when home. My brother would not care and he thought it was embarrassing to talk to the restaurant. Da Da seafood in Milpitas.

  19. blackstarcat says:

    chapter 2, The tip was literally paid twice without knowing the Da Da seafood has charged in the first bill. For my culture it is embarrassing to check the bill in front of guests. I finally corrected myself now.

  20. batman says:

    Seems to be more and more common. Happened to my group at Albertos in Pleasanton recently. Tip was added in the bill, no mention of it, and requested again. Not paying close attention we paid a double tip.

  21. George P. Angermeir says:

    I’ve been to Japan many times and none of the restaurants asked or accepted tips, in fact, they thought it was an insult, same with Taxi Drivers. I worked for a major airline and no one ever tipped me and I wouldn’t accept it anyway. I haven’t eaten out in years and I don’t plan to in the future just because of this tipping. Eateries should pay their employees proper wages and price their menus accordingly.

  22. My guess is that most servers are paid minimum wages. Which should qualify them for medi cal healthcare. I doubt these extra added tips for healthcare are rarely passed on to the servers. I would rather tip for service given

  23. Michelle Maquinalez says:

    It’s not right. Tips are not required. Unless stated up front, they are not necessary. Give them a raise but don’t be sneaky and try to add extra charges to customers! It should be illegal!

  24. karl persson says:

    Knew a guy who was chased in the parking lot by owner demanding tip!!