BCI Releases List Of Bat-Friendly Plants For People In Portland

March 23, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw the BCI (Bat Conservation International) release a list of bat-friendly plants for people to plant in Portland. Sadly, the bat population in the US is dwindling due to issues such as disease and environmental factors. This could potentially become a bigger issue in the future, as bats save the US an estimated $23 billion per year in natural pest control. So, even if you do find them a little scary, the reality is that bats are essential for the US environment and economy.

Anyway, if you are comfortable around bats then the BCI has suggested planting the likes of Madrone, Oceanspray, Elderberry, and other shrubs that will help attract them and keep them thriving. If you’ve ever been to a wild area in the evening and watched bats fly overhead, then this sight can actually be quite intriguing and naturally relaxing.

Thankfully, the good people of Portland (mostly) seem to be in touch with nature so this advice may just help out a few bats within the Oregon area!