“Better Man” Flyer Stapled To Tree Divides Portland Residents Opinions

April 4, 2023 by 2 Comments

A simple flyer stapled to a tree is hardly news, but it does peak our interest. If you were to walk past this tree, you might think it was information about a lost cat, or a notice about roadworks in the local area.

However, on closer inspection, the notice is pretty bizarre, even by Portland standards.

Nobody quite knows what the altercation was about, but the person involved clearly thought a lot about it, with the offer of meeting at Starday Tavern coming a whole 22 days after the original interaction occurred.

All we knew at the time was there was an altercation between 2 men and a drink was offered as an apology.

However, Portland residents are divided on whether the poster was a trap, or a legitimate offer to buy the “better man” a drink. After all, it does say that he deserves an apology, and this would be a rather elaborate ruse to lure someone in to a fight several weeks later.

The map above shows the the Starday Tavern is 1.1 miles away from the Plaid Pantry (where the altercation occurred with the “better man”). This is either a 3 minute drive, or if you’ve been drinking like the poster maker, you are probably better off with the 18 minute walk.

We are proud to announce that we were in attendence at the Starday Tavern on 4/2/23, but this is where the excitement ends. The “better man” did not show up and no apology drink could be accepted. We also were not able to identify the man who made the poster, as he was likely keeping a low profile.

2 Replies to ““Better Man” Flyer Stapled To Tree Divides Portland Residents Opinions”

  1. KJ says:

    It’s pique our interest, not peak.

  2. John says:

    This is not unusual at Starday, last 2-3 years hasn’t been what it use to be