‘Biblical’ hail stones destroy cars & pose health threat in Colorado Springs

June 22, 2023 by 3 Comments

It’s fair to say that El Nino is in full swing and the US has had some wacky weather patterns over the past week. Colorado Springs was one of the cities who got badly affected by this as well, and experienced hail stones that were literally bigger than golf balls. The irony of this is that this biblical storm took place just one day after the summer solstice, meaning that technically, Colorado Springs experienced hail in the summer.

In a picture that shocked social media, one man showed his car that had been battered by hail stones and would need repairs. Here, there were several holes in the back of the back window, which had shattered the glass. This was caused by gigantic hail stones – but luckily, the rest of his car looked ok.

In another photo, someone was holding a hail stone which covered most of the palm of their hand. Now it makes sense how these obliterated a car window.

When you add these two pictures together, you can understand how this would pose a threat to public safety. Imagine walking home and one of those landing on your head from a height. If they’re strong enough to break glass then they could cause some real damage to a person. Thankfully though, no one was reported to be hurt – and hopefully this signals the end of the chaotic weather and the beginning of a summer that we can all enjoy.

3 Replies to “‘Biblical’ hail stones destroy cars & pose health threat in Colorado Springs”

  1. Margy says:

    The worst hailstorm ever. My 4 month old car got damaged. I was hit between Dublin and Woodmen around 3.30 yesterday first day of summer