Billionaire Dennis Washington’s Mega Yacht sighted in San Diego dock

June 17, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw a rare sighting of a billionaire’s yacht that was docked in a San Diego harbor. Specifically, this yacht belonged to Dennis Washington. This yacht is also known as the Atessa V and cost a cool $200 to buy. Not too surprisingly, this yacht was also once owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, a super wealthy Russian.

Washington made the bulk of his money in the 80s and 90s, when he purchased a copper mine that made him a (not so) small fortune. Now 88 years old, it seems that he is a fan of the San Diego coastline, and in fairness to him, it is genuinely stunning around this time of year.

As if things weren’t already screaming old money – the yacht also comes complete with a mini helicopter, which may be used by Washington if he wanted to avoid the notorious San Diego traffic jams.

Not only this, but it also has a large deck, multiple stories and is big enough to house more than enough people for a big party. As if this wasn’t enough, he also owns the Atessa IV which is sometimes also spotted in the region.

Over the years, San Diego has built a reputation as a bit of a yacht mecca – and as a result, has attracted a lot of high networth individuals such as Dennis Washington and others.