Bismillah restaurant has epic Houston mural – But can you name all of its features?

June 19, 2023 by No Comments

If you’ve been to Bismillah’s in Houston, then you’ll know they do great food which mostly consists of Indian street snacks such as roti, chaat, and delicious tikka chicken. However, one of the most charming parts of the restaurant is its mural. This is quite a bit different compared to the usual artwork that is found in your average eatery too. Instead, it features the iconic landmarks and icons that made Houston the powerhouse that it is today.

On the whole, this is a great homage to the quirks of Houston. It includes Travis Scott’s Astroworld, the sports teams such as Houston Texans, and the University of Houston. Having said this, if you look a bit closer, then you’ll also find some unusual stuff thrown in such as a Rubik’s cube and Super Mario. Honestly, we’re not to sure about why they’re featured (the Rubik’s creator is Hungarian and Mario originates from Japan) – but we’re all for it as it shows a bit of variety.

Sadly, we couldn’t quite work out certain other characters on the mural. For instance, the three people towards the right are quite darkened, so you can’t really tell what is meant to be going on. Nonetheless, it’s still a cool piece and is great for a bit of nostalgia. Oh, and as mentioned earlier – the food isn’t too bad either!