Bizarre plant truck spotted around Miami – And locals are LOVING it

July 2, 2023 by 2 Comments

Some cities have food trucks, but not many have plant trucks. And that is exactly what Miami has to offer. It turns out that this truck has actually been operating in Miami for several years – and some even claim there are multiple different trucks.

So, what is this business and how does it work exactly? In short, it’s actually quite ingenious. Basically, retail spaces aren’t cheap in Miami and rent can easily kill businesses that may otherwise be successful. Instead of having a permanent location, the owner decided to put his business on wheels. This means that the truck can drive around, park in various locations and even do deliveries of plants to the people of Miami. This is particularly useful if you’re busy.

Despite looking like these plants could fall at any moment, they’re actually secured pretty well and don’t pose a public danger either.

It’s no secret that living spaces in Miami can be quite limited. This means that if you live in an apartment then you may not have access to building a full garden. As an alternative, you may want to purchase a potted plant – which is where this guy comes in.

Overall, it’s nice to see businesses like this, and adds a bit of character to the city. Arguably, you could say that this guy is ahead of the curve when it comes to business, and based on rising rent prices, we could be seeing more similar business models like this in the future.

2 Replies to “Bizarre plant truck spotted around Miami – And locals are LOVING it”

  1. Yolanda says:

    Would be interested in finding out what type of plants.

  2. Stephanie says:

    I love had them plant a mango tree, two indoor plants, PLs ts around the front entrance of our home and front entrance foyer! I highly recommend!