Bizarre Portland Death Metal advert on Craigslist hates vegans

April 16, 2023 by No Comments

As many Americans will attest, Craigslist can either be a great place to find bargains – or equally, a place filled with strange people and unusual requests.

Interestingly, this advert definitely falls into the latter. Aside from the large amounts of profanity, it isn’t your regular rock band looking for new members. For instance, one sentence reads “We aren’t into going as fast as you can into a corpse and annihilating it into a pile of bloody, stinking, crushed goo.”

Ok then…I think I know what that means?

As the post goes on, it gets stranger, ending with “Must be into dogs. No damn vegans. No politics. Be 21+. No cats!” Of course, it’s also filled with curse words along the way, but we’ve decided to remove them as they seem pointless.

As seen, this seems to be a group who love dogs yet hate cats, whilst also having a crushing hatred for vegans! Ironically, as we know Portland, OR is filled with Vegans so they may end up struggling to find someone who fits their bill!