Bizarre scenes as man SCREAMS after getting pepper sprayed in San Jose Costco

July 7, 2023 by 2 Comments

Imagine you’re casually getting a drink in Costco when a crazed man in nothing but his underwear bursts in screaming. This is what happened this week in a Costco store in Senter Road, San Jose. According to the person that filmed this, the man didn’t begin inside Costco, and instead ran in from the outside. This indicates that he’d be hit with pepper spray due to an unknown incident, and headed straight to the ice to clean his eyes.

Specifically, the person filming it said: “I was trying to enjoy my $1.50 hot dog combo, when all of a sudden this guy comes running into the Costco food court in his underwear screaming. Nobody knew how he got pepper sprayed or what happened prior. Security escorted him out and police, fire, and ambulance came to give him medical attention outside.”

If you like to see the video – then it is available here. However, for those who can’t watch it, the picture does it justice, and shoppers continued about their day with the man in visible pain. Although this is a bizarre sight, it’s made even weirder due to the fact he is barely clothed.

Jokingly, one San Antonio resident remarked: “Apparently he kept going back for the free samples.” while another claimed, “Without context I would’ve thought the guy just needed to cool off from the hot weather lately.”

Unfortunately, this video is one of those rare cases where it offers more questions than answers. However, those in Costco at the time surely had an interesting story to tell when they got home.

2 Replies to “Bizarre scenes as man SCREAMS after getting pepper sprayed in San Jose Costco”

  1. Davosky says:

    Hi World, I’m not a bit surprised. The video is neither weird nor amazing. San Jose is The World Capital of Homeless People, and he’s clearly one of the thousands. We have homeless people everywhere, in shopping malls, libraries, parks, grocery stores, and of course Costco. Don’t be surprised, come visit San Jose, and you’ll find out.

  2. Claire says:

    You take your chances any where you go… doesn’t have to be San Jose. For the life of me I don’t know why the County doesn’t open the back half of the fairgrounds for the homeless. It’s safe and temporary facilities can be set up in no time.