Bizarre sighting of a Portland, OR toilet found in Austin, TX!

March 15, 2023 by No Comments

Today saw an interesting sight. However, this sighting did not take place in Portland, OR. Instead, it took place in Austin, TX. Here, an eagle-eyed Texan snapped a photo of a portable toilet that had the words “The Portland Loo – A unique solution to a universal problem”

This looked to be a permanently placed public toilet on the streets of Texas. So, why was a Portland toilet there in the first place? There is actually a relatively simplistic explanation. This is because the Portland Loo is actually a trademarked product by the city of Portland, which has then been sold to other cities in the US. This isn’t some weird theory either – it’s actually a fact.

Based on this, the next question should be why these cities don’t build their own toilets. However, it may simply be a case of convenience when you can easily get one shipped in from Portland.

Anyway, this may not be the most exciting news story of the day but it is pretty cool to think that Portland has its own branded toilets located around the country. This shows that there’s a bit of Portland to be found everywhere…even when you’re on the toilet!