Black BEAR Sighted In Forest Park

May 21, 2023 by No Comments

One of Portlands most esteemed neighbourhoods has a new resident. Whilst the bear doesn’t have to pay tax, it is still a very respected member of the community.

Although in all seriousness, Forest Park is a place where its not uncommon at all to find unleashed dogs. Due to the vast outdoor space, it is generally a great place to let them have a run around.

However, at this point in time it is certainly best to keep dogs permanently on a leash whilst in Forest Park. In a worst case scenario, a dog can easily antagonize a bear and make it become more aggressive. This can obviously lead to some very nasty confrontations between yourself and one of natures most feared beasts.

Thankfully, bears are generally very shy and lazy predators, but shouldn’t be underestimated. Most of the time, they will want very weak animals to prey on where they don’t have to exert energy or risk getting hurt. However, if hungry or scared enough, they will attack humans.

As always, here is some general bear safety advice if you do happen to cross paths with this particular one in Forest Park:

  1. Stay calm: Try to remain as calm as possible. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that may startle or provoke the bear further.
  2. Assess the situation: Determine whether the bear is defensive or predatory. A defensive bear may display signs of stress or fear, while a predatory bear may exhibit stalking behavior. Your response may vary depending on the bear’s behavior.
  3. Do not run: Running away may trigger the bear’s instinct to chase. Bears are incredibly fast and can easily outrun humans. Instead, stand your ground or move away slowly if you can do so without turning your back to the bear.
  4. Make yourself big: Raise your arms and spread your jacket or backpack to make yourself appear larger. This can help deter the bear and show that you are not a threat.
  5. Back away slowly: If the bear is not approaching you, slowly and calmly back away while keeping your eyes on the bear. Avoid direct eye contact, as the bear may perceive it as a challenge.
  6. Use bear deterrents: If the bear continues to approach or becomes aggressive, use bear deterrents like bear spray (if available) to deter the bear and create a barrier between you and the bear.