Blanchet House & Farm Sparks HUGE debate surrounding rough sleepers

June 3, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw Blanchet House & Farm spark a huge debate on their twitter account. Here, they spoke about why they believed so many homeless people sleep on the streets during the day. According to Blanchet House & Farm, this was due to the safety fears of homeless Portland residents, rather than other reasons. It should be noted that Blanchet House & Farm is one of the oldest Portland institutions that have been feeding the needy since the early 1950s. This was what they wrote:

However, their comments didn’t go down well with everyone. Overall, there were a lot of agreements and disagreements with their sentiments. One reply said “There are openings in shelters for people to sleep, that aren’t being used. It’s almost as if people don’t want help, just a free house and to sleep all day. The rest of us go to work.” whilst another added, “They aren’t “navigating” care or housing systems, they’re strung out on meth and fentanyl all day. And all night. Stop pampering these criminals and throw them out of Oregon!”

At the same time, others branded these comments as ‘cruel, selfish, and uncompassionate.’ – As a result, you could argue that this shows a real division within Portland and that there is no clear solution in sight, when looking at a clearly difficult issue to begin with.