Boston locals ANGER at 2 hour Pizza Fest waiting line

June 26, 2023 by No Comments

This weekend saw Boston host Pizza Fest which brought a number of delicious pizza slices to the city center for locals to try. This was a must-visit for pizza fans, and it turns out that Boston has a lot of them. In fact, such was the demand for Pizza Fest, that there was literally a two-hour queue to get inside the venue.

The picture below shows this, as it winds around with hundreds of people in sight. According to one reveler, they gave up after 40 minutes and hadn’t even reached the halfway point of the queue. Whether this blame should be pointed toward Pizza Fest or just the sheer number of customers has been hotly debated. Regardless, it has left a bitter taste in people’s mouths on what would have otherwise made for a great day out.

The event took place at Boston City Hall Plaza and not everyone was pleased with the outcome. This is because the tickets are apparently non refundable – but many have claimed that Pizza Fest should take the blame for overselling tickets.

On social media, one Bostonian said, “I waited hours for this in the sun and just got a lackluster slice of pizza. Lame” However, another seemed to have the right idea in saying, “Or go down to North End and get the same goddamn pizza without waiting in line.”

Since the weekend, Pizza Fest have not publically mentioned anything regarding refunds but it will be interesting to see if they release a statement or at least try to improve their customer experience for the future.