Bostonians REJOICE after merging cars pulled over by Cops

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

Over the years, Boston has earned a poor reputation for driving with acts like this. Often, Bostonians have spoken out about dangerous, selfish driving and its impact on others. However, very rarely does this bad behavior get punished. That is, until now.

Yesterday, a video showed traffic cops pulling over drivers who decided to cut traffic and merge late on, effectively abusing the far lane. Here, a cop can be seen signaling the rogue cars across who are then (presumably) fined.

As seen in the video below, this took place during rush hour traffic, so the policeman’s actions didn’t go unnoticed who was praised for punishing selfish drivers.

This took place on Storrow Drive which can be infamous for slow traffic and bad driving. Funnily enough, if you watch the final car (in the far lane), then they make the wise decision not to cut the line and continue straight, avoiding a hefty fine in the process!

On Twitter, one user named Dooner commented: “Wow, never seen them enforce that but abuse has always been off the charts.” while another said, “I like this rule. We should do this out here.”

Overall, this shows good, sensible policing and also acts as a deterrent not to drive selfishly. Not only can it be dangerous but it also only adds to the queue in the long run.