Brazen Car Thieves caught in broad daylight SMASHING windows

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, a San Francisco cyclist captured car thieves at large in broad daylight. Here, the shameless crooks had parked in the middle of the road, got out, and proceeded to smash the window of a parked SUV. This incident took place near the Botanical Gardens, and sightings of the same thieves had taken place in other parts of the city on the following day.

Not only this – but their car was revealed to be using fake plates, which gave them a degree of anonymity. Interestingly, it’s not sure whether the thief was spooked and decided to give up on the targeted car, as they left it alone toward the end of the video, or whether they were going to their own car to get more tools.

Unsurprisingly, this act was publicly blasted by those on social media. One person wrote: “It really is such a mess, I have one foot out the door in San Francisco, currently, waiting for the right opportunity to leave. I have higher standards than to live where this garbage is enabled.”

Elsewhere, someone with a cynical take on San Francisco crime said this: “This is common. It’s like if a cop isn’t nearby and catches them in the act then you’re not going to catch them.” Sadly, it seemed that to many, this was now viewed as the norm (and you can even see passersby casually watching on in the video). Hopefully, SFPD can do something about this – because the people are growing sick and tired of it.