Bumbling Thief forced to return stolen goods after one HUGE error

June 30, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, a single mother based in Eugene, OR was furious after getting her groceries stolen off her doorstep. The thief was caught on camera – but sadly the recording was very grainy and pixelated, meaning the image wasn’t much to go by.

With this in mind, it looked like the robber had got away with it. However, in a strange twist, justice was ultimately served – as the thief had to return to the house and give back the groceries. This showed that sometimes, the universe works in mysterious ways. And on a more cynical note, it also shows that sometimes, thieves aren’t exactly the smartest people either.

So, what happened? According to the victim, they used two keys to open their front door. While doing this, they left their groceries outside of their garage. This is when the thief stepped in to steal the goods.

Speaking on social media, the victim wrote, “Yo, thief, you left your keys in one of the bags. It’s ok, I see you’re a kid. I have them and your snap card. I can leave them somewhere for you” which was later followed by a simple “They returned them.”

Basically, it turns out that the thief had accidentally left their keys in a bag on the scene. Nonetheless, it looks as though the victim was ok about it in exchange for her groceries. Overall, this showed that justice was done as she was also a single mother with disabled kids. Sometimes, these stories do have happy endings.