CA State letter accuses San Francisco officials of data manipulation with Waymo car crashes

June 27, 2023 by No Comments

Alongside Phoenix, San Francisco is one of the pioneers when it comes to Waymo. For those out of the loop, Waymo is Google’s own self-driving taxi service which is set to shake up the driving industry and poses a real threat to Uber and Lyft. However, in a recent letter written by the CA state, San Francisco officials have used data manipulation to defend the safety record of Waymo.

As you’d expect when implementing new technology, there will always be teething problems. This could prove to be fatal for companies such as Waymo, as car crashes always have the potential to be very dangerous. In a letter exposed by journalist Anna Tong, she claimed the letter said, “In the 4 Waymo traffic collisions, SF cited to prove driverless cars are less safe, 3 were the Waymos being rear-ended and 1 didn’t even involve any cars touching, CA says.”

One Twitter user Derek Parfair commented, “Astounding that they are using these incidents of careful Waymo driving and careless human driving to argue /against/ Waymo and, implicitly, for human driving” whereas others Cam Lodack disagreed, saying “Doesn’t matter. 4 collisions should never stop or slow any development. That is a minuscule number of accidents. We’ll never progress as a society if we don’t think rationally about how to progress.”

Irrespective of your stance, if lying has gone on then this will surely get investigated and could become a potentially massive story regarding the narrative of Waymo. Based on this, these letters are probably the tip of the ice-berg, and we can expect to see more involving this story in the coming weeks.