Can you help identify this Porch Pirate? Designer shoes stolen in Miami

July 1, 2023 by No Comments

Today, a woman in Miami uploaded the image below which showed a villainous porch pirate at large. Here, the culprit stole two packages – and one was confirmed to be a pair of designer shoes that had traveled from New York. The CCTV footage also showed the man get into his car, which was a white Mercedes SUV. Like many porch pirates, it seemed that this was a premeditated robbery, and he was using his vehicle to scope out the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, this image is the best going. Luckily for the thief, he was looking down as the camera captured him, which obscures large parts of his face. Interestingly though, you can see various tattoos on his body – with one unique one near his neck, which could be his downfall.

Understandably, people weren’t happy with this. What made it worse was that the perpetrator also drove an expensive car. Although all crimes are bad, this is worse as it’s clear that the man wasn’t struggling financially.

Speaking on social media, one Miami resident wrote “The porch pirates are out of control. I’ve had items stolen three times in the last year because I didn’t get to them fast enough. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do unless you catch them in the act and the cops show up fast enough to find the thief with the packages still in their possession…which is unlikely.”

With this said, it seems as though this story is a bit of a lost cause. Nonetheless, if you could provide information to lead to some kind of police inquiry then your information would be greatly appreciated.