Can you help identify this thief? Santa Fe house burglarized by brazen crook

July 11, 2023 by No Comments

Footage was recently uploaded online by the victim of a house break-in. This was recorded by a Ring doorbell which captured a thief callously burglarizing a house in the St. Mikes/ Arroyo Chamiso area of Santa Fe. This occurred on Friday at noon – but the videos have only just gone online.

Here, the thief is caught driving to the property in his white car. He then gets out and proceeds to scope out the house to check that nobody is home. Eventually, he enters but not before a good shot captures his face – which includes a distinct earring. Sadly however, his face is mostly covered by sunglasses and a baseball cap. Nonetheless, you can still visibly make out key features of his face which are shown below.

Strangely, it almost seems as though the front door is unlocked – as the burglar causally enters the property with ease. Moments later, more CCTV sees him returning to his car with a number of items from the house. Based on the casual nature of the robbery, it looks as though this was a chance cat burglar, rather than a skilled thief. Although we’re not victim blaming, it’s also a good example of beefing up your house security, such as installing a gate and sturdier door.

Irrespective, these things are still harmful both mentally and financially for the victims involved. With this said, if you have any information regarding this man then please let us know.