Can you identify this man? Dog owner runs away after hound BITES pregnant woman

July 1, 2023 by 1 Comment

Yesterday this man was pictured after his dog uncontrollably attacked a passerby and then lunged at three others shortly after. When the man in question was called out for his dog, he quickly ran off from the scene.

Thankfully the victim was not badly hurt by the dog bite. However, they were shaken up which is understandable. As seen, the dog is quite large as well and looked powerful despite being controlled by a harness. This attack took place near Central Square in Cambridge, MA.

According to the victim, they said “I was pretty shaken, both by the attack and the owner’s response. It didn’t break my skin, it just jumped up on me, growled, and bit at my arm. So not too worried about rabies. But not having tags is another sign of them being an irresponsible owner.”

They later revealed that they were pregnant which makes the dog owner’s response to the attack even more cowardly. After the attack, the police were called but by the time they arrived, the culprit had already fled the scene. It goes without saying that under different circumstances, this could have ended up a lot worse – and the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.

If you have any details regarding the owner which can lead to their arrest then please get in touch with us or the Cambridge police department. Hopefully, this does not happen again.

One Reply to “Can you identify this man? Dog owner runs away after hound BITES pregnant woman”

  1. Linda T says:

    I don’t agree with arresting this guy. For what? It looks to me he was doing everything right. He had his dog leashed and it looks like a short leash too. What would the charges be???