Can YOU identify this man? Tulsa Snooper checks out house after dark

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

The below image was posted from a security camera yesterday. According to the property owner, this was the second time that this individual had visited their house and the man was trying to find an entry inside.

The footage was taken at 10.33 PM in a Tulsa neighborhood and thankfully, the CCTV got a good view of the man in question. Posted online, this prompted comments from locals who described it as “nightmare fuel“, while another claimed that he may have been trying to steal copper from the home’s AC. Whatever the motive, we can all agree that it’s definitely unsettling to see this sort of thing happening repeatedly at night.

Based on the image provided, this man seems to be middle-aged, around average height, with a bald head and facial hair. He also seems relatively muscular with distinct tattoos on both arms. This image was captured above the side door on the property. This adds further evidence that this man was looking for a way into the house. It goes without saying that this isn’t appropriate at that time of night.

If nothing else, this is a good reason why every US home should be fitted with cameras for security purposes. If you know of this man or can give us any information then please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know as soon as possible.