Cape Coral in HEATED debate – “This is not a parking spot”

July 5, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, a heated debate took place on social media whereby residents of Cape Coral debated whether the image below was appropriate or not. This shows two cars parked in a bike line on a suburban street. One user pointed out that cars aren’t meant to park in bike lanes and that this was potentially dangerous.

However, not everyone agreed – with many claiming that it was acceptable seeing as the road was so empty. Not only this, but others claimed the vans were doing maintenance work, so had nowhere else to go. As is often the case with things like this, there were a lot of disagreements.

Starting the debate, one local said: “I rode past this truck 4 times over the course of two hours it did not move in that time nor did I see anybody loading or unloading anything or anywhere near the truck at all. If you think my post is about the inconvenience of riding around a truck you’re missing the entire point.”

However, not everyone agreed, with one reply saying, “Ok Karen, haha. This is clearly a crew working on the roof in the background. Sometimes work needs to be done and that involves, GASP!, minor inconvenience.” while another added, “As a cyclist, I have bigger issues.”

In general, most were in favor of the vehicles, and it seems as though common sense prevailed. Although bike lanes should be favored and are there for a reason, sometimes you have to be realistic and life isn’t always static.