Captain Cook Monument DISGRACEFULLY defaced with racial slurs

July 5, 2023 by 3 Comments

The Captain Cook monument in Hawaii was recently defaced with racial slurs and bad graffiti. Here, someone got a black marker pen and scribbled “White deceiver”, as well as “Cook bought venereal disease”. However, this wasn’t the worst of it, as it also included curse words that are too crude to share.

Interestingly, this created a debate on social media – with some claiming that the monument should be removed due to its colonial ties. However, as one resident pointed out – Cook probably wasn’t the villain that some paint him out to be – as they said: “Cook wasn’t racist. He didn’t take up arms to protect slavery. He doesn’t compare to the Confederacy Soldiers at all. People have post-humorously made him into an emblem of colonialism and violence, but the truth is much more complex.”

Honestly, it doesn’t look like this graffiti was done by the smartest person either. As seen, it looks like they struggled to spell ‘disease’ correctly and struggled to draw an arrow correctly. Let alone, they also managed to spell venereal incorrectly too.

As mentioned previously, the history of Cook isn’t particularly simple either and needs to be taken into historical context. Having said this, these days he does seem to be a contentious figure within the Hawaiian community. At the same time, mindless graffiti doesn’t seem like the answer and only makes the graffiti artist look foolish.

3 Replies to “Captain Cook Monument DISGRACEFULLY defaced with racial slurs”

  1. Dennis says:

    Good, bad, or indifferent Cook was part of our History. Graffiti is wrong and unlawful. I disagree with removing this monument.The Hawaiian people should take responsibility for their actions like the rest of mature adults. A stupid few liberal leaning babies don’t speak for the rest of us. Would erasing the monument make Cook not exist? I am sick of baby minded liberal politics being worn on the sleeves of misinformed Hawaiians. Grow up, clean up your own back yard. Take responsibility for your racist stupidity. The choices you have made determined the life you have. Quit blaming dead people for your bad choices. We are all born in this Great Country with the equal amount of success.we are NOT born with the equal amount of outcome. Are you so weak that Daddy Government gotta hold your hand? Grow up. Grow a pair. Take responsibility for your bad choices. If any race should prosper more than any here it should be us. It’s our house. But you knuckle head liberal Democrats create the problem and then your the answer. I’m just as Hawaiian as you and I did fine. I didn’t blame anyone for my failures but got smarter.Worst of all our Democrat masters keep you fools in chains every election cycle. How’s that working out? Be strong. Take responsibility for your stupidity.

    1. Jacqueline says:

      HAWAII would be just fine without Cook or any outsiders setting foot on their lands, manifest destiny is a part of European doctrine.

  2. Janet says:

    Well you know I had a valid solution and obviously didn’t have the correct body parts to be considered a businessperson capable of performing what I spent my life preparing to do. This is the result. And it will get worse. You know my number!!!