Car DANGEROUSLY Forced off the road in case of Tampa Road Rage

July 1, 2023 by 7 Comments

Yesterday saw shocking footage whereby a truck bullied a smaller vehicle off the road on 275 South in Tampa. Video evidence was recorded on the victim’s dashcam which showed the truck purposely coming into their lane and forcing them off the road. Immediately after doing this, the same truck performed a quick brake check to make the scenario even more dangerous.

Now, here’s where the story gets wilder. The truck in question was a company vehicle with its logos printed on the sides of the doors. This company was Greater Quality pool service LLC – which is a local swimming pool business. Obviously, this isn’t the best endorsement to give your company and doesn’t exactly give out a good public image.

Interestingly, some people actually sided with the truck, saying it was their right to merge and that they had the priority. However, according to the victim, they claimed: “He was behind me on the ramp and sped up to get ahead, maybe I could have explained that better.”

Irrespective of technical laws, the fact still remains that this driver purposely slammed on their brakes afterward which shows their bullying intentions which weren’t necessary. Once again, this shows how dangerous certain people are on the roads and as always, it’s best to be cautious and expect the worst when dealing with strangers.

7 Replies to “Car DANGEROUSLY Forced off the road in case of Tampa Road Rage”

  1. Frank says:

    The roads and some people out there are pure nut cases! I had one veer into my lane and when I tapped the horn he crashed into my car then tried to shove me off the road and took off. I caught up to him and got a tag but nothing will ve done because I can’t say for sure he was driving. He had no insurance so I’m out so far 1500.00 for something I didn’t cause or do! A blinker does not give you the right of way to a lane, it’s stating your intentions!

  2. Cathy says:

    I side with the truck driver. Many times I can’t move over to help someone merging onto the multi-lane road and if I think it will help facilitate the merge, I speed up to give them a better chance of merging seamlessly. HOWEVER, it is also the responsibility of the merging car to ADJUST THEIR SPEED!

    1. Teish says:

      I agree. Merging is up to the merger. Although the truck driver made it more dangerous by breaking

  3. MJ says:

    This is the type of driver who will be carrying as of today, and probably wouldn’t hesitate to shoot at anyone who dared to irritate him on the road.

  4. Lynne says:

    The truck was being stupid and rude. You follow when you merge; you don’t pass the person in front of you. Learn the rules or don’t drive. Also, a little common sense, less anger, and more manners are needed nowadays.

  5. Don says:

    The truck driver was trying to cause a problem. He should be fired by his company.

  6. Donald Tracy says:

    I was a professional 18-Wheeler driver for 45 years. The pickup driver was WRONG. If he was behind the OP coming up the ramp, there was absolutely no reason why he should have driven into the 2nd lane and then forced the OP onto the shoulder. PERIOD. If it was my company he would have been fired immediately.