Car gets HILARIOUSLY stuck in barrier at Santa Fe Intersection

June 29, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday saw a hilarious sight where a car had got stuck by a crossing barrier at an intersection in Santa Fe. In fairness, the light had turned red and that’s exactly what barriers are for – to stop cars from entering oncoming traffic. So, with all comedy aside, it actually served its purpose and without sounding too dramatic, it could have even saved someone’s life.

As for the blue car that got caught in the barrier, they may have been on the end of a nasty paint job for the top of the car, as those barriers can be pretty heavy.

Although this driver may feel stupid, there are a few things that are in their favor. Firstly, this intersection is on Cerrillos Road which is notoriously confusing. This is because you have to know which lane you need to be in before you can even see the intersection. Secondly, this car had plates from a different state, meaning they were probably clueless to how the intersection worked.

So, despite Santa Fe locals laughing at their demise – it’s really not that bad when take into account their ignorance. Regardless, this is yet another example that driving too quickly can sometimes land you in trouble – which is especially the case when you’re in a new area. With this in mind, hopefully the barrier didn’t cause too much damage.