Clinton Hill sign divides NYC residents and causes HEATED debate

July 10, 2023 by No Comments

It’s not every day that you’ll see a sign create such drama – but lately this has been the case in New York City. Here, a sign appeared in the Clinton Hill neighborhood – and it’s not sure whether this was put there by the city or by an individual.

Nonetheless, it read “Do not enter – except pedestrians, bicyclists, and local deliveries” – This comes after a wave of new cycling lanes have recently been installed throughout NYC to allow for easier transport (provided you’re not driving in a car).

As you’d expect, those who didn’t drive were in favor of this sign and claimed that it made their neighborhoods nicer. However, those who drove daily didn’t agree. And it’s fair to say that because of this, things got pretty heated.

Speaking on social media, one NYC resident wrote, “I’d love to have more of these around my city – I think they make for really nice spaces.”

This prompted a pretty telling remark from another, who claimed: “Regular New Yorkers know that cars are everywhere, trying to get from point A to B. You must be one of those people wandering around the city at 10 AM with a yoga mat on your way to your local artisanal muffin shop.”

It seems like the war of pedestrians vs car drivers is only beginning to heat up in New York City – and with more policies to dissuade driving on the way, this one could rumble on well into the future.