Cocktail Diaries: Portland Themed White Russian With Marionberry

February 9, 2023 by No Comments

If you like vodka and cream then listen up, because the White Russian is for you! This cocktail is a delicious classic that will (literally) warm your insides on a cold winter’s evening. Just be careful though, as one too many of these can give you a sore head the next morning!

Don’t take my word on it, take Dave’s who is currently (begrudgingly) nursing a slight hangover that he is in denial about. But on one level, I don’t blame him as it really is a lovely cocktail. Like all good Russian imports, the White Russian is also practical and simplistic in its nature – so if you’re looking for a quick and easy cocktail then this is something to consider. Just look at that cream as well!

So, not everything from Russia is bad, right? Anyway – as far as cocktails go, I would say this is top tier. In true PDX style though – I’ve also given it a bit of a twist, adding marionberry in as well. If you don’t know about marionberries then get to know – these are like a tastier, juicier version of blackberries and they really do make the White Russian come alive. Whilst most White Russians typically don’t use marionberries, I would suggest adding them for a nice twist.


  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1 oz coffee liqueur (such as Kahlua)
  • 1 oz marionberry syrup
  • 2 oz heavy cream


  1. Fill a rocks glass with ice.
  2. Add the vodka and coffee liqueur to the glass.
  3. Stir in the marionberry syrup.
  4. Top with heavy cream and gently stir to combine.
  5. Enjoy your marionberry white Russian cocktail!

Note: You can adjust the ratios of the ingredients to taste. If you prefer your drinks sweeter, add more marionberry syrup. If you prefer them less sweet, add less syrup or more vodka.