Columbus Residents FURIOUS over ‘Hypocritical’ City Office Hours

June 28, 2023 by No Comments

Over the past few months, the City of Columbus has repeatedly asked for the local workforce to return to working from offices, as opposed to working from home. The cynics amongst us will see this as a cash grab to gain more tax revenue from these occupied buildings.

However, it seems as though the City of Columbus is also guilty of hypocrisy. Recently, a Columbus resident recently photographed a sign in the city office which read, “The Columbus Department of the Inspector General – If you wish to file a complaint: Walk in – Tuesday and Thursday (10AM-3PM)

In other words, if you work a regular 9-5 job then it would be almost impossible to file a complaint in person during this very minuscule window of manned hours within the office.

Understandably, locals aren’t best pleased with this – with one writing, “The hypocrisy of Mayor Quimby Ginther in his stupid quote supporting the end of hybrid/WFH schedules when he said that “I believe people on the front lines in public service ought to be accessible.” Then this tomfoolery shows up.

Another replied by adding, “Bullying employees into the office isn’t going to save the commercial real estate market, the genie is out of the bottle.”

Whatever way you phrase this, it’s not really a good look for the City of Columbus who haven’t done themselves many favors with this one. Even those who are big fans of them will agree that sometimes, it’s best not to say much if you’ve been caught doing the complete opposite.