Connecticut traffic summed up in one depressing image

June 27, 2023 by 1 Comment

Over the years, Connecticut has built a reputation for being one of the nicest states in the USA. However, it’s not perfect either and its reputation also includes bad traffic at times. Recently, this image went viral on social media for the wrong reasons.

Here, a Google Maps image showed the distance between Bridgeport and New London. The allotted time was 1 hour and 14 minutes. It also suggested an alternate route that was 1 hour and 25 minutes – meaning that it would take 11 minutes longer.

The new route was also an extra 24 miles which also equals a few more dollars in gas money too. Having said this, the newly proposed route was also significantly calmer in traffic, despite being way less efficient and less of a straight line.

Responding to this image, some locals even claimed that they’d prefer doing the longer route, simply to avoid the infamous 95 route. Ironically, most of the route shows blue traffic, which means clear roads. However, it’s the one stretch roughly two-thirds in that shows a red section where the delays are expected.

Unsurprisingly, locals weren’t exactly complimentary of the 95, with one saying “I95 is hot garbage and it will not get better in our lifetime.” while another added, “The U.S. population has almost doubled since the highway system was built. It would take billions of dollars to fix it.”

Unfortunately then, it doesn’t look like there will be any solutions for the foreseeable future, and if you’re traveling in Connecticut then you’ll have to put up with the 95 which is well deserved of its despised reputation.

One Reply to “Connecticut traffic summed up in one depressing image”

  1. Priscilla says:

    I95 has been repeatedly looked over to widen. To think this major thorough fare from Boston to New York is still in the 50’s. Disgusted is putting it mildly.