Controversial Idea To Destroy Portlands Rose City Golf Course For Multi Use Park

April 15, 2023 by 3 Comments

A controversial idea has upset golfers in the city, but may provide a lot more benefit to the community in general. As less than 1% of the population actually play golf,, the area in question would likely be better suited towards becoming a multi use park which everyone in the Rose city neighbourhood can enjoy.

Built in 1931, the Portland City Rose Golf Course is clearly something that is cherished by those who use it, so they will certainly be unhappy to see it go.

However, one crucial factor is that the golf course is owned by the city of Portland and is currently zoned as open space. Whilst the city could likely re-zone whatever they wanted relatively easily – in this case they wouldn’t have to.

Open space zones are classified as :

  • Providing opportunities for outdoor recreation;
  • Providing contrasts to the built environment;
  • Preserving scenic qualities;
  • Protecting sensitive or fragile environmental areas;
  • Enhancing and protecting the values and functions of trees and the urban forest;
  • Preserving the capacity and water quality of the stormwater drainage system; and
  • Providing pedestrian and bicycle transportation connections.

The key points for this list are both the first and the last. Providing opportunities for outdoor recreation is clearly already provided by a golf course, but could also be maintained by a public park which had a soccer field, basketball courts and various other attractions.

Furthermore, providing pedestrian and bicycle transportation connections is not really viable with a golf course since people need this space to actually play the game. A park on the other hand would obviously provide this need, even though there is already a path which goes around the golf course.

At 144 acres, the Rose City Golf Course is clearly a large space of green real estate which is surrounded by urban roads and buildings. Whilst it may not be at the top of the cities list right now, it could well be transformed in the near future.

On the other hand, a public golf course like this is the only real way for poorer people to get a chance to play the sport. As golf is generally considered a “rich persons” sport, having something local in the community allows people to try something without needing a $1000 membership and a uniformed dress code.

What do you think should happen to the golf course? Let us know in the comments.

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3 Replies to “Controversial Idea To Destroy Portlands Rose City Golf Course For Multi Use Park”

  1. Mary Bell says:

    Multiuse please. There are other golf courses to be used by low income but large spaces are hard to come by for everyone to use. Nationally golf is a dying sport as is tennis.

  2. Mike says:

    Leave it as is, as a golfcourse

  3. Richard Bourgo says:

    Leave it alone, people enjoy playing golf. It’s one of the last in the city. If you turn it into a park it will attract the vermin this city has allowed to take it over. It will soon become another place the citizens will not feel comfortable going to.