Controversial Right To Rest Law CANCELLED due to public backlash

May 3, 2023 by 2 Comments

In recent news, the controversial HB3501 bill seemed to be gaining traction – which could have changed life in Portland forever. In brief, this bill made it legal for homeless people to sleep anywhere – including private property. Under this law, if you disrupted them, then you could potentially get sued.

However, in a shock turn of events – this law has been canceled, at least for now. It’s pretty fair to say that based on public opinion, the vast majority were firmly against this bill – and practically none of the public supported it.

So, its cancellation will come as good news to most. In a recent online poll, a whopping 2180 voted against it, whereas a mere 42 were for the bill. As a result, the public hearing into this bill has also been cancelled which has been hailed by the masses as good news.

It’s not just a poll or a hearing that are canceled either. The actual bill is dead in the water for now – as it has also gone beyond the required legal date it needed to be put into law.

At the same time, there still remains a degree of caution and cynicism with PDX locals. As one social media user said, “This bill will be back. It was already proposed in 2021. The number of supporter testimony at that time far outweighed opposition. Keep in mind this was all borne out of the Oregon ACLU’s Right To Rest paper.” Stay tuned, as this one may resurface at some point in the future.

2 Replies to “Controversial Right To Rest Law CANCELLED due to public backlash”

  1. Don Fick says:

    if they pass a law like this ( crazy); I’ll just sell my home and camp in my sideyard

    1. Peter says:

      Ability to sue for harassment while camping peoples private property
      Kotek should be ashamed for suggesting this