Cool Map Shows Population Density of Alaska

June 30, 2023 by No Comments

It’s not every day that you’ll see a map like this. A graphic designer by the name of ‘Mr Pencers‘ recently made a map that showed just how Alaska’s population was divided from the various cities and towns that make up the state. This was shown on a black backdrop, with a white outline of the state.

Unsurprisingly, cities such as Anchorage and Fairbanks dominated the map with the majority of people being located in the bigger cities (with Anchorage by far being the most prominent in the state). Interestingly however, it also showed just how empty most of Alaska truly is. Away from the coastal areas, most of Alaska is completely empty. While this has always been known, it really hits home when you see it right in front of you.

Due to density being the main factor of this map, it also highlights just how dense places like North Kenai are. Let’s not forget Whittier either, which is probably one of the most dense cities in the world as everyone lives in the same building.

It would also be interesting to see what this map would look like in 50 years or so, and what it looked like 50 years earlier. Arguably, not much would change in either direction – which shows why Alaska is a pretty unique place compared to the rest of the US states.