Coronado Mall Dollar store closed after ENTIRE team walk out over working conditions

July 9, 2023 by 3 Comments

Today, an entire workforce walked out of a Dollar store in Coronado Mall over working conditions. The store was closed with a sign on the window that read, “Whole team quit. Treats employees like slaves.” The shop in question is called ‘Miss A’ and sells beauty cosmetics for as little as $1. Interestingly, Miss A has a good reputation amongst Albequerque locals but after this public relations blunder, its management may be viewed differently from now on.

It is not known why the employees decided to do a mass walk out, but you can only assume that this was to do with the way they were treated based on the sign. We can only assume that a dollar store wouldn’t have the best worker relations though with most typically having long hours and low wages.

Speaking on social media, one Albuquerque resident wrote: “Wow this is great! The last time I went the employees looked so burnt out. I wish I did this when I worked retail in Albuquerque” – While this is merely one person’s opinion, it shows the public support for the staff who quit.

Right now, there isn’t much information on what will happen. It is unknown whether the workers will return or stay away. However, it does symbolize that there is a growing divide between workers and businesses around the country.

3 Replies to “Coronado Mall Dollar store closed after ENTIRE team walk out over working conditions”

  1. Mary Ann Montoya says:

    I worked in retail for many years and retired on a plan design pension. The only reason I had the benefits and the protection with a contract agreed on between the employer and the employees is because I had a Union. Organize Union!!!

  2. Pamela says:

    I’m happy the employees walked out. Employers really need to employees better. I’ve walked in some places like for example Subway and they gave no air conditioning. I would not work like that.

  3. Dragonangel says:

    So many companies do not care about their employees until something like this happens, then they say they will do better. That only last a few months, then companies are back to the same old behaviors.