Credit Card Destroyed by intense Phoenix heat

July 12, 2023 by No Comments

Phoenix is currently under an ‘excessive heat warning’ which tells you exactly all you need to know. However, just in case you needed further confirmation that it’s hot out here, one Phoenix resident recently took a photo of their credit card that had been destroyed due to the heat. Here, it had been bent beyond use from the plastic reacting to the heat.

According to the man who showed the damaged card, this was because it had been accidentally left in his car over the weekend. He had this to say: “So Saturday night, I went to Sonic and got ice cream and dropped in between my center console and my seat and didn’t go looking for it then and there and forgot about it when I got home. I got my wallet out for lunch today and realized I left it in my car and found it like this. It teaches me to leave things in my car in the middle of summer.”

Now, although Phoenix is known for its hot summers, this shows just how crazy it is out there right now. It turns out that similar events have happened to others in the area – as people claimed that they had ID and lighters destroyed in hot cars over the years.

One local even wrote, “Dave Ramsey never thought this solution to our debt problem before!” which was a nod to the destroyed credit card. On a serious note, this should also act as a warning for those who leave pets inside cars. Although a damaged card is a minor nuisance, you can now see why people are so vehemently against leaving animals in cars during the summer.
