Cringey Antifa Protester Storms City Council Meeting but gets comeuppance

June 2, 2023 by 1 Comment

This week’s City Council meeting saw its usual share of Portland oddities, but one guest made sure that she stole the show. The unnamed Antifa member was incredibly loud and shouted obscenities but in reality, she was a minor nuisance and nothing more. This began with her shouting out “F Ted Wheeler” and then eventually talking to him. Here, she claimed that she had connections with Joe Biden, but Wheeler called her a ‘jerk’ and didn’t seem to care very much.

Eventually, she was escorted off the premises by local police but not before she had annoyed a bunch of people inside. This happened whilst she also looked eerily similar to the British singer Adele during her younger years.
Commenters on the above Twitter post seemed to be mocking the Antifa woman, with one saying “I don’t care for Ted Wheeler, but Antifa is always offensive. And said she knew Obama all the way up to Biden?!” whilst another said “so unproductive. so portlandia.”

Over the years, Portland has had a large Antifa presence which isn’t too surprising considering its leftist roots. Having said this, the woman in question seemed more like a deranged loner rather than anyone who could seriously cause substantial problems.

This took place after the woman constantly asked to be arrested and was clearly desperate for attention. Overall, you could argue that her demand for attention was fulfilled. However, it was probably attention for the wrong reasons. As ever, stay safe folks – and remember…keep Portland weird (but not this weird).

One Reply to “Cringey Antifa Protester Storms City Council Meeting but gets comeuppance”

  1. Roger says:

    The “keep Portland weird” mantra has run its course for me, and it’s no longer funny. Collectively these people are dangerous and are just one more contribution to Portland being a chaotic, mindless, lawless land of anything goes. I live out at the coast and it used to be fun taking a day trip to Portland for the day to shop and sightsee, but not so anymore. Too many years of tolerating this type of lunacy has left Portland a husk of its former self.