Cyclist finds Caltrops & Nails at Deep Water Channel

June 27, 2023 by 2 Comments

Yesterday saw a Sacramento cyclist report his findings online – which showed a number of sharp caltrops and nails along the Deep Water Channel area of the city. It goes without saying that not only is planting caltrops incredibly dangerous – but also highly illegal.

These spikes could easily puncture a tire or do much worse. For instance, if a person or child were to step on one of these, it could require hospitalization. Similarly, the local wildlife in the area may also come to harm through related means.

According to one Sacramento resident, these were planted by someone who lived nearby – and they said this: “I have heard that the person at this nearby house gets very angry if people ride the section of the levee in front of their house. I have also heard that the person at this house is the one that spreads nails, screws, and caltrops up at the location linked above. I don’t recall specifically where I’ve heard this.”

Although this is pure speculation, it could lead to someone being charged if true. Ironically, this was taken from an area of a local path named ‘Levee Access Road’ which strongly hints at what the city intended the road for.

Hopefully – this incident gets sorted quickly before anyone gets seriously hurt, and the culprit is brought to justice. Sadly, this sort of crime often proves very difficult to prove and it sounds like the area has had similar problems for a number of years now.

2 Replies to “Cyclist finds Caltrops & Nails at Deep Water Channel”

  1. Sean Hagerty says:

    Never heard of the term “caltrops”. Looks more like giant jacks with spikes.

    1. James Tate says:

      Why are you skeptical of caltrops?
      They’re real world objects, that been in use for in one form or nother for two thousand years, as an area denial weapon.