Cyclists AREN’T happy with ‘Dangerous’ new bike lane in Sacramento

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

Over the past few months, the US has been undergoing a bike lane revolution. Here, bike lanes are being added to most major cities including Sacramento which means life is meant to be easier for cyclists. More than efficiency though, these lanes are also meant to be safe which is the main purpose as it allows cyclists the possibility of riding away from traffic.

So, you can understand why the local cycling community wasn’t happy when this picture recently went viral. Photographed on New 19th St, the image below shows just how poor the work was. Here, you can see cracks in the concrete and uneven ground. Without being too dramatic, you could easily crash your bike due to this if you were traveling at speed.

The cyclist who originally posted the image also added, “They’ve even painted green over the seams in some places, making it difficult to see the uneven surface. And at least one curb section was completely broken up and jutting up from the ground.”

Replying to this, one person said: “That is so damn half attempted and dangerous. I’ll be fine on those surfaces with my mountain bike but a road bike would be scary.” while others agreed that it wasn’t acceptable.

If you’re a Sacramento cyclist who has been affected by the recent changes then there is hope – as you can let the city know exactly how you feel here. Until then, as ever – be cautious when using new areas on your bike and don’t go too fast until you’re very comfortable with your surroundings and environment.