Cyclists ELATED as St. Louis Sees New Bike Intersection Begin Construction

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

Cyclists of St. Louis are rejoicing after hearing that a new, protected bike intersection in STL is now under construction at Jefferson and Chouteau. As seen in the map below, new lanes are being added – and this has been planned since 2020 but has only recently begun construction.

For those wondering, this project will create a protected lane all the way up to the soccer stadium but unfortunately won’t add protected bike lanes on Chouteau. Nonetheless, locals are still pleased, and as far as bike lane infrastructure goes in the city, it’s still a really positive start.

The diagram also shows how the bike lane will be protected from cars, which is done so by a raised concrete curb. Hopefully, this will be enough – as in certain US cities, bike lanes are often abused by cars and used as parking spots. Nonetheless, it’s still better than nothing.

This news was met with real joy by the cycling community, with one claiming: “Any bike infrastructure is good infrastructure. Love to see it!” while another jokingly saw things with a cynical view, adding, “Now we just have to get St Louis drivers to not run them over.”

Overall, this shows a much overdue project for St. Louis which will hopefully make transport around the city much easier, and greener in the process. If this is deemed a success then it could lead to similar developments too.