Dangerous driver highlighted in Nashville video sparks outrage

June 27, 2023 by 2 Comments

Compared to certain cities, Nashville has a fairly solid reputation when it comes to driving. However, in this video, it seems that one driver located in Cool Springs was doing their best to undo this safe driving image.

Here, the driver in question pulled in front of the turn-lane (whilst starting out in the middle lane), ignored the light, then proceeded to create a more dangerous situation by hesitantly pulling out in front of the car it was level with. Honestly, it’s a minor miracle that a crash didn’t happen – and it also highlights that the other car handled the scenario quite well and had good reactions.

One person claimed that bad driving was on the rise in Nashville and added, “It’s astonishing how bad driving has gotten. I can’t tell you how many times this happens downtown. Of course, traffic lights are just a suggestion anymore. The day is coming where it’s just going to be a Mad Max like free for all.” Although this may sound hyperbole, there may be some logic in there somewhere.

Perhaps this comment summed it up perfectly when someone wrote, “Bad drivers never miss their turn or exit.” Which is simple but also completely true. This is a good example that patience is key when driving, and if you make a mistake, it’s better to drive an extra couple of minutes to safely rectify your problem, rather than trying to force your way into other lanes or oncoming traffic.

2 Replies to “Dangerous driver highlighted in Nashville video sparks outrage”

  1. TrumpWon says:

    I was driving down old hickory, and a car was sitting in my lane…facing me, with its turn signal on..I merged to the right lane, and honked while pointing that driver to the turning lane he should have been in (not sitting in oncoming traffic) I swear these people are new to the rules of the road, yet somehow they are driving !

  2. Colette says:

    It’s happened to me, as well. I have the left turn arrow painted in the street and the green light arrow to turn left, but cannot because a truck is in my lane facing me head-on. What is wrong with these people? Since the pandemic they have lost their minds!!!